when I'll think of something else to go in here.

We're moving offices. Argh.

Big 'tings a gwan over at Duke.

Friday, December 16, 2005


Things are getting mad hectic with me at home and work. I’ve got a backlog of reviews and updates to post. One thing I’m really interested in talking about, though, is this kind of thing, the push to take on Iran. Not only is this kind of drum beating among the populace alarming, it is as if the new leadership in Iran was installed by Wolfowitz. I mean, this new President should just draw a big ass red target around his palace. I remember in the early stages of Iraq II, even before the “Axis of Evil,” some on the left were predicting Iraq was just a jumping off point. Were we wrong?

Meanwhile, back at home, the NSA is up to some dirty tricks, all in the name of the war on terr’. I’m neither surprised nor shook up at the story, frankly, though I’m glad it’s finally surfaced in the Times after a year. It’s likely that this kind of thing has been going on for years, though. I’ll prolly get redflagged for linking to Xinhua in this post instead of a domestic rag, well, they don’t require visitors to register.

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