when I'll think of something else to go in here.

We're moving offices. Argh.

Big 'tings a gwan over at Duke.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Memoirs of a Gay-sha

Kids, the gay movie of the year is not the Brokeback Mountain. Not even Capote, and certainly not Transamerica. It is Memoirs of a Geisha. Over the top melodrama about forbidden love, Gong Li chewing scenery like Divine on crack, a dance scene straight out of a drag show, I don’t think any film since, oh, the last John Waters film has been more dead on on the gay aesthetic (if there is such a thing). And I didn’t even know (for sure) that Rob Marshall is gay until recently. Hitting on the idea has made me rethink my previous loathing for Geisha. Rather than retreading worn stereotypes, Marshall turned the story into a personal film, speaking to his culture as much, if not moreso, than attempting to show “Japanese culture” (though according to my wife, he did a decent job of the latter).

This could be an important signpost for filmmakers of marginalized cultures and backgrounds. Black filmmakers in the post-Spike indie wave of the 90’s spent all their time laboring in the streets telling hood tales and spending untold dollars on splatter packs. What they should have been doing, perhaps, is finding stories that spoke to their issues and telling them with passion, rather than trying to jump on the hood bandwagon. Maybe people like Matty Rich would still be working, and Cheryl Dunne wouldn’t be doing crap like My Baby’s Daddy.

Of course, some stories are dying to be told. The Hughes Brother’s Menace II Society, Daughters in the Dust, the myriad of South African flicks (none made by people of color, actually), X, Eve’s Bayou, and many more, enriched the culture of film by their presence. American cinema had to have those films. However, what do you do when you keep telling the same thing over and over? No one listens anymore. You start doing “big” movies if you’re Singleton, or live of the vapors of your past if you’re Spike, or vanish into the dustbin of history.

History may not be kind to Rob Marshall, though Oscar may be. Geisha’s not a particularly enthralling piece, though it is a marvel of technical filmmaking. It’s also a very personal statement gussied up in some very expensive kimonos.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Strange visitor

My mother in law is in town, staying at our place. For a month. My son, who hadn’t seen her in several months, was scared of her. He hasn’t completely warmed to her yet, though he at least allows her to pick him up, feed him, etc. I suppose when he last saw her his long term memory hadn’t developed to the point it has now.

My Japanese hasn’t developed to the point where I can have a meaningful conversation with her. I can communicate, but only on a childlike level, lol, like I can’t tell her how I’d like to throw everyone I work with (day job) off the top of a tall building. However, I suppose that’s info she can do without . . . .

We're playin' baaa-sket-baahhhhllll

After about a three month layoff, I returned to ye old work out routine in earnest. However, yesterday, I wasn’t feeling it, though I decided to go ahead and do it anyway. For a change of pace I grabbed a rock and headed to the basketball court. After being there for awhile, some dude showed up and challenged me to some one on one. I was a little winded, but I agreed. To make a long one short, I got waxed by some 5’6” dude. The problem was, though I was leading most of the game, I just got tired, played some ole’ defense, and lost. I really, REALLY, need to get in shape. I’ve got a plan now, let’s see if I can stick to it. My soccer playing weight is probably a pipe dream (180 lbs), lets see if I can get down to the football playing weight (205 lbs).

Speaking of playing weight, let us look at the recent Tarheels basketball performances. We’ve been pretty sad. Freshman Tyler Hansborough has been asked to lug his comrades through some tough games, and it is apparently wearing on him, despite a 26 point performance against Boston College last night. Wes Miller gives spotty support with pretty good outside shooting (over 60% from 3 pt range). The rest of the team has just not been up to the task. It’s telling that we’re starting two former non-scholarship players (though one of them, Miller, is doing well). Coach Williams just doesn’t have the talent to compete in the conference this year. If his sideline antics mean any thing, they tell us that his players aren’t executing his game plan either, which means that not only do they not have the firepower, they don’t have the mental acuity either. I am not looking forward to the Duke game.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

thinking of a master post

I’m ruminating on the Sympathy for Lady Vengeance flick, and I’m thinking I may need a second viewing before writing about it, or at least clearing off my desk and clearing out my head a little bit before committing to post. I did like it as much as the talented Mr Ridley suggested I might, and certainly don’t think the Park love fest is over like Rothkopf believes. If it is, I’m calling bullshit. It will be interesting to see what he does next now that this revenge trilogy thing is done. I would think that if the next film is more revenge, the fest will be on it’s last legs.

One thing that’s interesting about Sympathy for Lady Vengeance is the similarity to Kill Bill (one, but important) after Park called QT a “great thief.” In a short interview with Park he didn’t seem to be all that impressed with the auteur to whom he is most often compared (reflexively).

Friday, January 13, 2006


For a new site I've gotten a substantial number of hits, not enough repeat visitors though. I guess when you don't update a lot . . . I promise to change . . .

While I'm thinking about it, I must give props to Turner Classic for airing the Miyazaki films in 16 x9 AND with subtitles. I avoided watching because I expected them to be dubbed and in 4X3.

So people, check the TCM website for schedules. You may have already missed Naussica, my favorite, my wife's favorite, however if you have kids, mark down the times for the viewing of Totoro!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back in the groove

Been a long time/since I left you/with a blog post to step to

Took the holidays off. I'm glad I saved posting about Syriana until I saw Munich. Now I can make the think piece type of post. Ha.

BUT . . . can it wait until I view Sympathy for Lady Vengeance?!?!?!?