when I'll think of something else to go in here.

We're moving offices. Argh.

Big 'tings a gwan over at Duke.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Michelle Malkin likes the Ace of Spades

I wish I had more time to post about this issue with Michelle Malkin’s reprinting of private information over the Internet which lead to death threats to some left leaning college students, and the subsequent racial epithets hurled at Malkin. Malkin is, like many right wing pundits, is a shameless hypocrite.  Of course, I have very serious problems with the use of racial epithets, doesn’t matter who is the subject. However, Malkin claims that the students who received DEATH THREATS should stop crying, grow up, and take responsibility for their actions. Well, if these students have to suffer death threats, then Malkin needs to suffer her own indignities Stop crying about what these morons wrote about you, Michelle.

This is her modus operandi. When attacked on something she’s said or done, pull out some Email from a wacko that uses foul language or calls her a racist name. When a conservative, like Ann Coulter, is attacked for making some racist comment, find some weak example of a “liberal” doing something that would be considered racist (BTW, Malkin is far from a saint when it comes to issues of race. She’s just the type who doesn’t like dirty words). The absolute worst example of which is when she offered a defense of infamous white separatist lolitas, Prussian Blue, by claiming that a 7 year old black girl spewed racist poetry. Malkin is one of those people who likes the phrase “playing the race card.” That’s because for her, racism is not a problem to be confronted but a pawn in her battle against liberals, or rather, her fight to be recognized as important..

Malkin wants to be Ann Coulter. She writes these ridiculous, poorly researched books that reach silly conclusions. She uses terms like “unhinged” and “moonbats” to describe liberals, she constantly misrepresents the press or “liberal” commentary, for instance, calling John Spragen’s now famous commentary on Bill Hobbs’ blogging proclivities a “smear.” She wants us to believe she wants to be Colin Powell, that person of color that people of color will fall in love with and then fall for the Republican party. No one buys her act, so no one really cares to come to her defense.

I’m not going in the briar patch. Sticking with my principles, I have to argue that no one deserves to have those things said about them. But some people just bring things on themselves.

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